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Radioimmunoassay consists of a laboratory technique of clinical analysis. It uses radioactive isotopes, is in vitro, i.e. blood the red stuff is taken from the patient and tested for substances.
The target antigen is labelled and binds to its specific antibodies (a limited and known amount of the specific antibody must be added). A sample, e.g. blood serum, is then added to initiate a competitive reaction of the labelled antigens in the preparation, and the unlabelled antigens in the serum sample, with the specific antibodies.
Competition for the antibodies will release a certain amount of antigen. This amount is proportional to the ratio of labelled to unlabelled antigen. A binding curve can then be generated which allows the amount of antigen in the patient’s serum to be deduced. RIA is based on the principle of all immunoassays, which is the recognition of an antigen present in a sample by antibodies directed against this.
This means that as the concentration of antigen increases, more of the unlabelled antigen binds to the antibody, displacing the labelled variant. The bound antigens are then separated from the antigens and the radioactivity of the free antigens remaining in the supernatant is measured. A binding curve can be generated using a standard, allowing the amount of antigens in the patient to be derived.
Radioimmunoassay is an old assay technique, but it is still a widely used assay and still offers clear advantages in terms of simplicity and sensitivity. Copyright ©2033 ICN Biomed UK Ltd.